The below guidance is designed to help you understand your next steps to replace your card.

What cards are affected by the Industry Accreditation (IA) closures?

Industry requirements state that card schemes carrying the CSCS logo can only issue cards to individuals holding nationally recognised qualifications

  • Craft and Operative IA cards issued from 23rd August 2022 will expire on 31st December 2024 
  • Supervisor and Manager IA cards issued from 1st November 2022 will expire on 31st December 2024 
  • From the 30th June 2024, renewal applications will no longer be accepted for any IA cards 

The below cards can no longer be applied for!

If you currently hold one of the cards below, please click on the image for further guidance:

Craft & Operative

Craft and Operative - Blue Skilled Worker


Academical Professional Supervisory and Managerial - Gold Supervisor


Academical Professional Supervisory and Managerial - Black Manager

What occupations are affected by the IA closures?

What you need to do next depends on your occupation and what qualifications you may hold.

If you do not visit site regularly, or you have moved into an office-based role you may no longer require a card.

We have dedicated areas for the Craft & Operative, Supervisor and Manager cards, that cover the qualifications needed for the following occupations:

Gold Advanced Occupations

Gold Supervisor Occupations

Will I need to attend college?

Those needing to obtain a qualification DO NOT need to attend college. 

How is the Scottish/National Vocational Qualification (S/NVQ) assessed?

The assessment is completed in the workplace and in many cases remotely. As you are likely to be a highly experienced worker, the process should be relatively simple and there are many ways to show evidence of your competence, including:

  • A Professional Discussion
  • Knowledge Evidence Questions
  • Reflective Accounts
  • Witness Testimonies (confirming previous workplace activities undertaken)
  • Product Evidence (e.g. minutes of meetings, RAMS, products of work)
  • Observations

How long will it take to complete an S/NVQ?

S/NVQs can be achieved in a minimum of 14 weeks, but usually takes between 6-12 months from registration though to receiving your certificate.

The time taken will depend on the availability of evidence. For example, an experienced manager with numerous years’ experience could complete it in a shorter period of time, whereas an inexperienced candidate will take more time – no two cases are the same. As this is an assessment rather than a training course, you will work with your assessor to collate evidence of your skills via a range of assessment methods.

Where do I find my nearest training centre?

To find a college or training provider which delivers the qualification you need, enter the qualification name into the OFQUAL register of regulated qualifications. This will show which awarding bodies offer the qualification you need. By proceeding to the websites of these awarding bodies, you will be able to find the college or training provider nearest to you.

You may also find it useful to speak with our Skills Advisory Service by submitting an enquiry via the BESA Academy website or calling the team on 0800 917 8419.

Other questions you may have about the Industry Accreditation Closures

If your question isn’t listed below, please contact SKILLcard for further information.

My current SKILLcard expiry dates exceeds the December 2024 closure date, is my card still valid?

Yes, it will remain valid until the expiry date shown on the front of your card.

I'm an experienced worker, why do I need a qualification now?

In 2015 the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) announced (via the Industrial Strategy: Construction 2025) that card schemes carrying the CSCS logo, of which SKILLcard is one, must operate with nationally recognised qualifications (NVQs or approved equivalents) in place for all occupations. 

CLC’s objective is to provide clients, employers, and contractors with a consistent means of recognising that an individual has achieved the agreed standard of qualification and skill in the occupation they are working in. 

Qualifications can provide a consistent means of proving an individual’s skills. This is why the Construction Leadership Council requires all those working in construction related occupations to obtain a recognised qualification. 

SKILLcard recognise that there is a significant gap in experienced worker provision across the sector and a lack of capacity in the education and training system to deal immediately with experienced workers that do not hold formal qualifications, that is why SKILLcard’s Standard Setting Body, The Skills Partnership have taken the decision to continue to renew IA card until December 2024, whilst an accessible competence assessment route is established.

What qualifications do I need?

Use the qualification matrix to check what qualification you need for your occupation. Any questions or advice on skills and training, contact our Skills Advisory Service on

How much will it cost to complete an experienced worker assessment?

The cost is set by individual providers so you may need to speak to training providers to check prices. 

Will I have to do the N/SVQ again to renew my SKILLcard cards in 5 years?

No, S/NVQs generally are lifelong qualifications so once they are completed, they do not need to be completed again.

Do I need to take time off work?

No, S/NVQs are completed in the workplace, however, you will need some time to spend with your assessor, planning the assessment and feeding back their assessment of your evidence and/or work.