The Building Services Engineering Skills Partnership (the Committee) has been designated a Standard Setting Body (SSB) by the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) and the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS). CSCS has designated SKILLcard as a Certification Scheme and the Building and Engineering Services Association (BESA) as the Sector Representative Organisation (SRO).

The Committee is responsible for the determination and oversight of the strategic requirements of SKILLcard in respect of Health and Safety knowledge assessment and the type and level of qualification(s) or training programme(s) that should be used for the issue of cards. This includes providing an indication of the broad content of such Health and Safety assessments, qualification(s) and/or training programme(s) and their associated assessment and verification strategies.

What is the Skills Partnership Committee's main focus?

The Committee's primary focus is on occupations throughout the UK as detailed in Schedule 4 of the CSCS Licence Rules, including:

  • Industrial and Commercial Installation
  • Facilities Services
  • Ductwork Installation
  • Plumbing and Heating
  • Ventilation Hygiene
  • Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
  • Supervisory and Managerial
  • Specialist occupations aligned to or in support of the mechanical sector but do not carry out mainstream HVACR work

What are the duties of the BSE Skills Partnership Committee?

The BSE Skills Partnership responsibilities include:

    • Approve qualifications for Engineering Services SKILLcard, acting with permanently delegated authority from the SRO
    • Operating within the bounds of the CSCS License Agreement Schedule 2 - CLC 2020 mandatory requirements
    • Advise the Sector Representative Organisation (SRO) over the necessary standards required for building engineering services sector occupational-related training, assessment and certification activities

The BSE Skills Partnership Terms of Reference are reviewed annually or as and when changes occur.

Who is involved with the Committee?

The Committee is made up of three representatives from each of the following groups:

  • Independent BSE Training Providers
  • BSE Colleges
  • Awarding Bodies inc. City & Guilds, NOCN and SQA
  • Facilities Maintenance (FM) contractors
  • Ventilation contractors
  • Heating contractors
  • Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump (RACHP) contractors
  • Other relevant and recognised organisations as signed off by the BSE Skills Partnership

Members must complete the BSE Skills Partnership Declaration of Conflict of Interest form on joining the group. Any conflict of interest must be declared to the chairperson prior to an agenda item being discussed. The Declaration of Conflict of Interest form will be reviewed annually.

Who is the Chair of the Committee?

The Chair of the Committee shall be independent and elected every three years by Committee members by majority.

What are the Chair's responsibilities?

The Chair's responsibilities include:

  • Inviting specialists to attend meetings when required by the Committee
  • Guiding the meeting according to the agenda and time available
  • Ensuring all agenda items end with a decision, action and defined outcome
  • Deciding on the order of speakers for resolutions and any amendment, and also the time allowed for each speaker
  • Deciding when a vote is to be taken

What is the minimum number of people needed?

The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be six members plus Chair, plus one representative for each sector being discussed. A duly convened meeting of the Committee at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and discretions vested in, or exercisable, by the Committee.

What is the frequency of meetings?

The Committee shall meet four times per year (as necessary to dispatch the business effectively, including electronic sign off where urgency of approval required).

Notice and conduct of meetings

Meetings of the Committee, other than those regularly scheduled, shall be summoned by the secretary of the Committee.

The Chair will be responsible for ensuring that the business of a meeting is conducted in a courteous and professional manner and will have the right to adjourn a meeting or temporarily exclude any individual(s) where conduct falls below acceptable standards. All attendees will adhere to the Committee's policy guidelines.

Complaints and appeals

Any complaints arising should be made through the BSE Skills Partnership Complaints and Appeals process.

Minutes of meetings

The Secretary shall minute the proceedings and resolutions of all meetings of the Committee, including recording names of those present and in attendance. Minutes of Committee meetings shall be circulated promptly to all members of the Committee.

Interested in joining the Skills Partnership Committee or get a qualification ratified?

If you are interested in joining or looking to have a qualification ratified, please contact SKILLcard for the attention of the BSE Skills Partnership.